Lori Granger talks to Stephanie Booroojian, anchor of "We Are Fresno Live" on KSEE24 in a segment that spotlights the Friday morning Mindful Movement and Meditation series held in the sculpture garden of the Fresno Art Museum.


KSEE Sunrise airs on weekdays from 4:30 - 7am on KSEE-24 with anchor Faith Sidlow. In this segment, Katie Flinn (from COIL Yoga in Fresno) and Lori Granger, LMFT (from The Center For Mindfulness) discuss an upcoming workshop to be held at COIL Yoga called "The Mindfulness Meditation Path"


Stephanie Booroojian hosts a segment on KSEE-24 called "To Your Health: Life Saving Health Reports." In this segment, Stephanie highlights The Center for Mindfulness' drop-in meditation MeetUp. Participants say it offers a peaceful break from the stresses in life.

Click here to view Lori Granger's
Guided Meditation YouTube Videos

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